In the infinite depths of space, all matter is in motion. As if moved by gears, all the planets of solar system orbit the sun, moving in their predictable elliptical paths. But something seems to be affecting the orbital path of Uranus. The seventh planet from the Sun. Some astronomers are convinced that there could be another celestial body near by. Is it possible that our solar system could have another planet?
In our solar system there are four like planets whose surfaces are solid Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The four giant planets with fluid or gaseous surface (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). Out of these Uranus the seventh planet from the sun, behaves in a strangest way. Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the sun; because of the 98’ degree tilt of its axis, twenty four years of day alternate with 24 years of Night and the poles receives more heat than its equator. Uranus orbital path is so irregular that it has been rich source of information for astronomers. Its striking deviation led to the discovery of Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930.
But the unusual orbital path of Uranus can not simply be attributed to the influence of Neptune and Pluto and about 2% of its deviation cannot be explained. It seems Uranus is being attracted by and unknown celestial body of about the same mass as the planet itself- which is 14 times greater than the mass of the earth. In other words there may be another planet in addition to the known planets.
If a mysterious celestial body exists how do we explain the fact that the most powerful telescopes have not yet detected it? The answer is simple. If there is another planet we would have to look for it at the furthest reaches of our solar system at least four thousand million kilometers beyond Pluto. This distance makes the observation difficult. The only certain thing about it is, it is not a giant planet. If it is comparable to Saturn or Uranus; Astronomers would have found that.
Since research has produced no evidence; scientists are working on other hypotheses. Photo graphs mad in stellar observatory on the island of Hawaii between 1992 and 1994 indicates at least six celestial bodies at a distance of several thousand million kilometers. If their existence is conformed these stars may prove that another Planet could never have formed beyond Neptune and Pluto because there is too little matter at that distance, and its concentration is too low; But for some astronomers, such as Clyde Tom Bough- who discovered Pluto in 1930- there is a reason enough to believe in the existence of a Mysterious planet.
I am sure there are many planets in our galaxy! I think there are other inhabited worlds .... they filmed and shown quite a lot but I think that politicians hide it!
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The sky and out sky is made up of microscopic fragments call black matter that operates like crystals. Our site and mind have to be on a different fregency to see other objects in their entirity.