Friday, October 1, 2010

What Mysteries does Pyramid Conceal? Part.III

In the 20th century, one widely held theory held that the pyramids were carried to earth by aliens, and dropped into their current positions by UFOs. And yet the real story behind their creation which took place over a period of about 30 years is no less impressive, if less fantastic. 
The building process began with the hewing of the rocks, which were removed from quarries some as far as 600 miles away in Aswan. Most historians think the rocks were probably floated on rafts down the Nile in flood season, even though there is no archeological evidence of rafts large enough to float rocks of such enormous size. At the site of the pyramid, workers would first establish a level building surface by flooding the area with water, cutting a system of channels, and then digging until the water was level. A perimeter was then established and cut to the appropriate level, with the occasional large chunk of rock preserved.
A massive stone causeway was built on the banks of the Nile, facilitation the unloading process. The stones were dragged on wooden sledges resting on rollers for the half mile to the building site. Here, a team of masons and stonecutters worked at the rocks, smoothing them and preparing them for use.
Once ready, the huge stones were rolled into position, a process complicated by the fact that the wheel did not arrive in Egypt for another 800 years. Some scholars have suggested that the Egyptians built enormous tamps, lengthened as the building progressed, but with a constant slope; others have suggested a spiral tamp that snaked its way up the pyramid. The stone would be pushed to the tip of the ramp, and then placed on a bed of liquids mortars. It was then left to set. The ramps would be dismantled when the workers reached the top of the pyramid, as masons worked their way downward and smoothed the stones.

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