Stonehenge II Discovered – Refined Radar Equipment
For ages, Stonehenge had puzzled and captivated visitors and archaeologist alike and hence it may not be shocking that another wonder monument from prehistory has been unnoticed for some time though it seems to be a mile away. An unusual line of massive stones which could date back to more than 4,500 years have been discovered by experts.
The space around Stonehenge seems to be scattered with prehistoric sights and the 90 or more stones lying 3ft under the ground have only been discovered by refined radar equipment which had been towed by quad bikes. The buried monoliths are of 15 ft. tall each and instead of being arranged in a circle as in Stonehenge, it is presumed that they once formed a long standing line.
One of the archaeologists leading the research, Professor Vince Gaffney from the University of Bradford remarked that `they were looking at one of the largest stone monuments in Europe and it has been under our noses for something like 4,000 years and is truly remarkable. We don’t think there is anything quite like this anywhere else in the world and this is completely new and the scale is extraordinary. It is presumed to be a ritual arena of some kind and are theatrical, designed to impress’.
`Superhenge’ – Circular Settlement
The stones seemed to be placed along the south-eastern edge of what seemed later on the Durrington Walls `superhenge’, a circular settlement edged by a ditch and bank that at a third of a mile across is the biggest earthwork of its kind in the UK.
It is unknown if someone had toppled them or the arena had been a rival attraction to Stonehenge or part of the same complex of sacred sites. It could have even been pushed over for the purpose of protection of their sacred significance, according to Professor Gaffney. The stone which are not yet excavated are presumed to be `sarsens’ – giant sandstone blocks like the ones at Stonehenge.
Its discovery at Durrington Walls had been revealed at the British Science Festival at the University of Bradford. During the same event last year, the Hidden Landscapes study had shown a host of archaeological features surrounding Stonehenge. According to National Trust archaeologist for Stonehenge, Dr Nick Snashall informed that `the Stonehenge landscape had been studied for centuries, but the work of the Hidden Landscapes team is revealing earlier unsuspected twists in its age old tale’.
Placement of Stones – A Mystery
During the same event last year, the international team also showed a host of previous unknown archaeological features which had been hidden in the landscape surrounding Stonehenge which included a 108ft long burial mound comprising of a massive wooden building, in which the timber foundation was beneath the soil.
Prof Gaffney was of the belief that the stones could have been planted by the people who had built Stonehenge but is doubtful about a direct link between the two monuments. These had been placed along a steep slope or scarpcut in a natural dry valley forming a `C’ shaped feature. The placement of these stones seems to be a mystery.
A section of Durringon Walls is associated with the rising sun on the winter solstice, being the shortest day of the year, could have been significant. The archaeologists are of the belief that at some point of time, these stones could have been pushed over and incorporated in the developing henge.
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