Friday, January 29, 2010

Was the Trojan War really took place?

Iliad Homer’s epic story of Trojan War is one of the most famous works in the ancient literature. The tragic story of the terrible war between the Greeks and the Trojan is filled with the unforgettable events and beautiful characters like Queen Helen and Prince Paris etc.

The queen Helen, whose love with Trojan prince is the root cause of the 10year old war. The Greek king Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus together with their great army fought to win back Menelaus wife Helen. The brave warrior Achilles and his Trojan counterpart Hector, Trojan king Priam and his daughter Seer Casandra area the some more important characters in it. Cassandra fore saw the terrible tragedy that will engulf the city Troy but nobody was believed her words and the great wise warrior Odysseus’s skillful tactics balanced the war in favour of Greeks.

For the people of classical antiquity, the people had really lived and the Trojan War had taken place. Even Romans attached great importance to warrior Aeneas, who is the decent from Trojan who settled in Italy after his fight from burning Troy. Romulus the founder of the city Rome was the descendent of Aeneas. But over the time the popularity of Troy faded all the remained was the mystic place, consigned with realm of fairy tales.

But a century ago a German business man Heinrich Schliemann strongly believed that the war was taken place in the 800BC. He was already traveled through out the world and he wished to study the classical antiquity and search the site of Troy. Unlike other archeologists he strongly believed that the Troy was a hilled Hisarlic situated near the coast of Aegean Sea in Turkey.

He started his excavation in 1870 the most sensational finding was the so called Treasure of Priam, a hoard of gold dating from about the 2400BC. But he judged it as that of era of Homer.

Today more items like metal tools plant seeds broken pottery represent the real treasure. But with humble objects the archeologists derived astonishing conclusions. And a clear picture of ancient Troy.

A total of ten settlements of densities have been identified by archaeologists at Hisarlik site. The oldest level walled village called Troy I is dated 2900-2600 BC. Homers Troy was hidden in the fourth layer (1700-1250BC) and it was about ten times larger than previously guessed. Next to the Citadel with its palaces there exists a large sub city.

Manfeed Kenfmann head of the excavation team believes the following: Long before the war Troy was a rich and powerful city therefore often targeted for raiders. Instead of Trojan War it likely that many violent clashers for control of the trading centre took place from the Bronze Age onwards. The reason for its sudden fall around 1250 BC may be a strong earth quake.

A bronze seal bearing Hittite hieroglyphics not of a Greek letters suggests that the city of Troy might not have been Greek at all, But part of the Hittite culture of central Anatolia. The implication is that among the many Hittite documents found in Antolia. There could soon emerge. Some hints regarding the fate of Troy and perhaps proof of Homer’s Trojan War.

Until than please wait!!!!!!!!!


  1. interesting.. can't wait to see the discovery.

  2. Shouldn't the title be "Did Trojan war really take place?"
