Monday, February 21, 2011

Mummy’s curse

              The legend of the mummy’s curse might 
 never have arisen if archeologists had used a little more insect repellent. In November 1922, Lord Carnarvon, a respected British Egyptologist, and Howard Carter, an archeologist, entered the sealed tomb of the boy king Tutankjamun and uncovered one of the most spectacular treasures ever found. But Lord Carnarvon did not have long to relish his discovery.
           A few months later he died of an infected mosquito bite, and at a press conference held soon after, a French occultist declared that Carnarvon’s death was the price for desecrating the tomb. This Mummy’s curse held the public’ attention, but it loses much of its bite in the face of statistics: Of the 22 people present when the tomb was discovered, only six were died by 1934, a natural percentage considering that foreigners in Egypt often succumbed to local diseases. 
             Carter, in fact, lived to the ripe age of 66, no doubt mildly amused by the curse as the years rolled by. In fact, the ancient pharaohs went to large extent to save their tombs from the robbers, and would have perhaps been gladly disposed to help widen such beliefs. And this mummy’s curse has done one favor to the archeologists, yes now they are working with mask and gloves.
 My dear Reader, Do you believe in the mummy’s curse?


  1. interesting, i believed that the curse works back days but nowdays i don think the curse it still working or not~

  2. Yes, that was a general belief by that time but there are so many movies released based on this.
