What is mean by Realism? When an artist paints a model, he paints what she is and as she is this called Realism. Most of the medieval artist done the same including the Great Dutch artists. If the model is perfect with enchanting beauty then there is nothing to say the painting is loutish beefiness. This kind of differentiation can be well explained by comparing the two paintings “The Leda” painted by various famous painters of those days. In this comparison the former is improper since she is neither naked full nor she is altogether clothed. For the subject of painting, being partially clothed is obsolete.
Let us see another two examples “Leda and the Swan” was also sculptured by Michelangelo as Jupiter having sexual intercourse with Leda as swan is an example for realism. Compare this with the painting of a nude girl frightened by crackle of a flying bird a bathing veiled corner. Though the later exemplified her innocence and she is alone beautifully by the painter it is not in the category of realism. Hence another term Vulgarity arises.
"The little Bather " |
The word Vulgarity was derived from the Latin word Vulgaris means not refine or in bad taste. Most of us think both the words vulgar and obscene means the same thing. A representation of sexual intercourse is not obscene why because it is proper and moral act of a human being. Whereas, it is generally accepted that it is in bad taste to represent it in art. A picture representing coition may be vulgar but not obscene. All the vulgar pictures are necessarily be evil and but they are more or less like that only. The vulgar pictures are often arousing sexual feelings and stimulate the mind and the physique. In other words Obscenity represents the depravity in character or in the habit. It differentiates what is decency and what is indecency. Hence we can conclude Obscenity is harmful. When a female and the male is painted or sculptured together as nude the idealization is difficult but don’t forget to accept it is often done humbly and properly. We can give lots of examples both in ancient and the modern art Cupid and Psyche, Love by Evelyn B. Longman.
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