Monday, December 16, 2013

Merseyside Maritime Museum School Day Trip

Merseyside’s maritime heritage can be explored with a day trip from Selwyn’s Tours. Students can see replicas from the tales of the Titanic, shanties, smuggling, and sea dogs at the museum. They can get a feel of the central role that was played by Liverpool in the Civil War in America or The Atlantic Battle. A tour of the Liverpool pilot cutter that is moored at the dock is another ship to visit. A trip to the adjacent Pier Master’s House where they can see how the pier master controlled traffic that is routed through the dock can edify their young minds. Selwyn’s Tours can transport your students on this educational trip.
If you are of the opinion that the high seas tales were from yesteryear, you will be totally amazed at the discovery that tax evasion, smuggling, war, and protests, as well as some of the ways and objects that were used in the smuggling of contraband items in those days are still being done today. This can be seen at “Seized! The Border and Customs Uncovered”.
This is a gallery at the museum that details the Custom Officer’s world. It tells of danger and intrigue and presents a key theme on anti-smuggling. It shows detectives at work, fighting crime, patrolling the frontiers and investigating crimes. The tactics that were employed in those days are quite similar to those used today by criminals of the sea and land.
They balance the view of the past with a contemporary story and look at issues of safety and fairness in the society that affects all today. The young visitors can download Matt’s Gallery Trail, or get to test their handling skills at cargo landing with the museum’s Cargo-a-go-go game, which is fairly new.

Educational, fun, and enlightening, a Merseyside Maritime Museum School Day Trip can be one of the most popular attractions in Liverpool. The entry for the museum and the Old Dock tour, which can be organized by the museum workers, is free. The booking should be done in advance. Opening hours are between 10 am and 5 pm on a daily basis. The quayside and ships are closed during winter season. They provide free lessons and the curriculum is linked by displays and collections.

Some sessions are done by members of the museum staff, while others are done by the individuals or group. Topics such as pirates, World War II, or the Titanic are included. Home office issues are discussed in approved sessions targeting drugs, weapons, and alcohol awareness.
Whatever type of trip you decide to plan for, Selwyns’ personalized, expert service can ensure you a safe and smooth trip.

Selwyn’s removes the worry from the planning process of your trip. Plan a trip for January 2014, contact them, and rest assured that everything will be taken care of. They provide coach and bus hire service for over forty years at an economical price. They have coach hire services based in Manchester, Liverpool, and Runcorn. They can get you to the destination comfortably and safely. Even though their location is in the North West, they can take you all over the UK.

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