Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Timeless Myths

Timeless Myths – Four Mythologies in Europe

Timeless Myths are focused around four mythologies in Europe namely Arthurian legends, Classical Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Norse Mythology. In the Middle Age and the Renaissance, Roman and Greek myths were renewed in arts and literatures and its popularity is even seen today.

Arthurian Legends

Arthurian Legends
The Arthurian Legends comprises of tales and knightly romances and have been divided into three sections namely Camelot which is referred to the characters that are found in the Arthurian legends, the Age of Chivalry which are collection of tales and romance found in the Arthurian legends and the Songs of Deeds which are another collection of Frankish legend of Charlemagne, where the French called their epic poems as chanson de geste.

Classical Mythology

The Classical Mythology comprises of epics and tales of the ancient Roman and Greek myths and literature with great unmatched variety and originality. Greek mythology is intermingled with Greek classical literature and the works consists of old myths during the European history which has withstood the test of time.

It has survived through the works of several classical writers from the time of Greek colonisation – 5th century BC and the decline of the Roman Empire – 3rd century AD. However Roman myth and legend were not recorded till the 1st BC to the decline of Roman Empire.

Two great authors of Rome, Ovid and Vergil wrote on this subject and together with other Roman writers made classical myth very popular that the medieval Europe as well as modern society had the tendency to utilise the popular Roman names for the Greek gods and heroes rather than their Greek names.

Classical myths has four section namely the Pantheon related to information of Greek deities with tales of Creation along with other myths, the Heroic Age containing information of Greek heroes and heroines and their adventures. Royal Houses contain stories of famous families of the most powerful cities in Greece as well as legends of the foundation and monarchy of Rome

Celtic Mythology 

Celtic Mythology
The Celtic myth was not recorded till the 11th century AD after the Vikings had left Ireland and their oral traditions; sources seemed to be quiet old and ancient. Several of the myths are from Ireland and Wales and Celtic myths comprises of those from Brittany, Cornwalland Scotland. Credits go to Welsh myths and to the Irish for the legends of King Arthur and while Tristan and Isolde medieval romance originated in Brittany, it became popular in Continental Europe as well as the British Isles. The Celtic literature did not appear till the Middle Age and the Celtic people and their religions were known during the ancient Rome.

Norse Mythology

Norse Mythology
The Norse Mythology differs from the other mythology. Here the characters and world even in Asgard are solemn and grave which may be due to the fact that though the gods are immortal, they have the tendency to be destroyed in the final battle between the good and evil.

Norse and Teutonic mythology are divided into three parts: The Asgard which contains information of Norse and Teutonic deities inclusive of Aesir and Vanir giants as well as monsters. Valhalla is information on Norse and German characters especially the heroes and heroines, rulers and the dwarfs while Norse Sagas contains Norse and Germanic tales of the Creations and Ragnorok together with Volsunga Saga and the Nibelungenlied.

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