Area 51 – Base for Alien Spacecraft & Technology
Area 51 is said to be one of the secretive areas in the world and according to the author of the UFO Investigations Manual, Nigel Watson who informed MailOnline, Area 51 is said to be a magnet for those who are of the belief that the US Government knows a lot more about UFOs than they seem to reveal to the public. People like the late Boyd Bushman, a senior scientist who had worked for Lockheed Martin had declared that the Area 51 is a base where alien spacecraft and technology is stored and examined.UFO hunters at Secure Team 10 have now exposed leaked footage which portrayed an unfamiliar craft hiding in the Nevada-based military facility. The peculiar video tends to portray a flying object soaring in the sky and later flying away, releasing a strange light while occasionally moving from side to side. Tyler Glockner running the SecureTeam 10 on the YouTube clip has commented that it is one of the mysterious pieces in UFOlogy. He has described the footage as a hidden gem which is said to be filmed in the 1980s or 1990s. The mysterious object seemed to be getting higher and higher releasing a peculiar light as per the footage.
Hot Spot for Alien Fanatics
However unconvinced ufologist Scott Brando running hoax busting website had stated that the video had not been recorded at Area 51 but another top-secret USAF base in Nevada had been recorded. On May 30, 1995, Mr Brando had shown the same footage that had been recorded at the Nellis Air Force base in Las Vegas. He frequently highlights Secureteam 10 for confusing its over 750,000 subscribers. He together with other UFO hoax busters have claimed to have revealed its use of CGI footage and misrepresentation and the channel seems to be on the blacklist on a numb UFO website.Mr Glockner has denied being a deliberate hoaxer and had claimed that his research is candid. Since late 1970s, the Nevada based military testing facility is said to be a crucial point of several conspiracy theorist as well as UFOlogists who have claimed that the base houses enigmatic alien technology. The extensive military complex is placed between a dry lake bed towards the North East and a small mountain to its West. Since 2013, area 51 has been a hot spot for alien fanatics since the government had not acknowledged it existence.
Historic Test Site for Military Aircraft
The same has remained enclosed from prying eyes of the public with guards equipped with weapons guarding the surrounding area. Statements of alien conspiracies near Area 51 have been largely exposed though the site has been confirmed as a historic test site for military aircraft.Some of the well-known machines have been developed there comprising of the U-2 spy plane, SR-71 Blackbird and the F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter. Area 51 is covered by a severe 23 by 25 mile, no-fly zone for civilian aircraft. Neighbouring viewpoints Freedom Ridge and White slides Peak providing vantage points watching down on the base are said to be prohibited to the public.
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