Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Oak Island Mystery

Oak Island Mystery

The Oak Island mystery is a story series that moves around buried treasure & some unexplained things which are discovered on or near Oak Island in Nova Scotia. Since the 18th century, people have been continuously trying to look for treasures and artifacts. There are different theories on this Island, like pirate treasure, Shakespearean manuscripts, the Holy Grail, or the Ark of the Covenant, with the Grail and the Ark buried by the Knights Templar.

While multiple items have surfaced over the years, a few of these are carbon-dated. It is believed that these are hundreds of years old. We can consider these treasures, but you should know that searchers didn't find any major treasure here. If you come here, you can find several digs by numerous individuals and groups. Early explorers dug the real shaft called "the money pit." According to a few people, there is a "curse" on the treasure, dated over one hundred years. A state says that seven men will pass away searching for the treasure before it was found.

What is Oak Island?

This one is a private island owned in Lunenburg County, located on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. It is one of the islands in Mahone Bay and is covered with trees. You should know that by a causeway, this island is connected to the mainland. The rural community of Western Shore is the nearest one, whereas Chester is the nearest village. Different theories on the island about buried treasure or historical artifacts made this island famous.

Water in the Money Pit:

It was the year 1862 when an account was written stating that the pit flooded with seawater up to 10m level or 33 feet after excavation of the Onslow Company about 80–90 feet (24–27 metres). There have been several attempts by people to remove the water, but all were unsuccessful. Explorers said about a drainage system that extends from the ocean beaches to the pit.

According to the treasure hunters, it was the year 1851 when they found coconut fibres under the surface of a beach, Smith's Cove. It can be said from this theory that the beach turned into a syphon by feeding seawater into the pit through an artificial tunnel. Its sample material was reportedly sent to the Smithsonian Institution during the early 20th century. They said that it was coconut fibre.

However, as per an expedition, they discovered a flood tunnel lined with flat stones at 27m or 90 feet. According to the geologist Robert Dunfield, he closely tested the walls of the re-excavated pit but couldn't find any proof of a tunnel.

In 1995, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution conducted a fourteen day survey as Boston-area businessman David Mugar invited them. This institution performed a few dye tests in the borehole. After that, it said that a natural interaction between the island's freshwater lens and tidal pressures caused flooding (refuting the artificial tunnel theory).

The Woods Hole scientists after watching the 1971 videos reported that there is not anything conclusive that can be determined from murky pictures. It is believed that the five-finger (or box) drains at Smith's Cove are the remains of the old salt works. But there is no link between the drains and pit flooding.

Remember that this island is located on a glacial tumulus system. As many water-filled anhydrite cavities underlain this, it is believed that the continuous flooding of the pit occurs due to these. Limestone dissolves easily after being exposed to water. As a result, it forms caves and natural voids. The depth of Bedrock is 38 to 45 metres (125 to 148 feet) in the pit area.

About Oak Island Mystery:

Since the late 1700s, it has been a great place for treasure hunters. A rumour said that Captain Kidd's treasure was buried there. Some proofs were there to support what went on during the early excavations. Stories started to be documented in 1856 and since then, several theories extend beyond that of Captain Kidd. For instance, there were other religious artifacts, manuscripts, and Marie Antoinette's jewels.

The "Money Pit" was a place of interest on this Island for treasure hunters. This one is the original searchers’ spot located on the island's east side. It was more than 100 feet deep. As per island lore, in 1795, it caught the attention of a local teenager who saw an indentation in the ground. Then, the teenager started digging with some friends to find an artificial shaft containing wooden platforms every 10' down to the 90' level of depth."Nolan's Cross" was the formation of boulders, named after a treasure hunter.

Top Discoveries Related To Oak Island Mystery:

Jewelled Brooch:

Laginas found it on the western side of Oak Island. The location is near to the place where Daniel McGuiness used to stay.

Granite Stone:

It was discovered 90 feet down from the money pit. Here, you will get to see some carved peculiar symbols that are still not identified by anyone though a person has given the translation, 'Forty feet below, two million pounds are buried.'

Coconut Fibres:

Searchers discovered a huge amount of coconut fibres at 60 feet depth during the early excavations of The Money Pit. But the distance of the nearest coconut trees was 1500 miles. According to some people, people might have used these earlier to make a rope.


Two iron objects were discovered by Laginas on the island's west side. After some time, these got specified as swages. It is a kind of blacksmith tool that is expected to be from the 14th century. As per the team, the equipment is proof of mining operations on this island.

Bone Fragments:

Two fragments at borehole H8 in The Money Pit area were recovered by the team. However, initially they identified the fragments as human. Later, as per the testing, it was proved that one belongs to the European ancestry and the other one was of Middle Eastern.


Searchers discovered a piece of chain with some bone at a neighbouring borehole. However, the team thinks that it is connected to a theory. And the theory is when the treasure was buried, the slaves who were digging the shaft were chained first and buried alive thereafter. The team thinks that their spirits are guarding the vault and cursing the explorers.

Ancient Manuscripts:

In the late 1800s, the Oak Island Treasure Company excavated and also hit the cement-like level153 ft underground. Besides, they discovered a small parchment via drilling. According to a theory, the origin of the parchment can be a collection of Shakespeare's lost manuscripts which were hidden on this island by Francis Bacon, the friend of Bard, 16th-century scientist, and 'the true author' of Shakespeare's plays.

Leather Book Binding:

Laginas found small parchment pieces covered with leather in the H-8 spoils near the pit. But the doubt is whether these are Shakespeare's lost manuscripts' further pieces or not.

Roman Sword:

According to a report in 2015, a fisherman pulled out a Roman sword from the waters of this Island. Although the discovery has rewritten history, which put Romans in North America. The sword wasn't 2,000 years old. Rather, it was a modern replica of a Roman sword.

Roman Numerals:

Due to the damming and draining at Smith's Cove, a U-shaped wooden formation was discovered. A closer inspection of Oak Island mystery revealed the Roman numerals. As per the tree ring testing, it was discovered that the structure was 1769 – 25 years old before The Money Pit discovery. The team speculates that it may be a part of a real treasure shaft.

Nolan's Cross:

Fred Nolan is a treasure hunter who found five large boulders in 1981. His discoveries formed a huge symmetrical cross. In addition, there was another boulder which was discovered at the centre of the cross containing a picture of a human face and a sword. People know it as Nolan's Cross. These boulders prove that an Atlantic fleet of Templars went to this spot and might have buried some treasure.

Templar Coin:

Laginas discovered a coin adjacent to the money pit, embedded with a Templar cross. These Templars amassed massive wealth during the Mediaeval period and stored the wealth in fortresses across Europe. It was the evidence for the team that a few of that wealth was buried in this place.

Templar Cross:

People found a lead cross adjacent to Smith's Cove. The team moved to Domme Prison in France, where Templar knights were imprisoned. Religious carvings scattered the wall. There were markings such as Virgin Mary, Jesus, and a cross about the same as the piece that was discovered on the island.

Crossbow Bolt:

It is one of the famous Templar discoveries found in lot 26 on the southwest shore. The team tested it very closely and recognized it as mediaeval, dating back to the 13th century with Templar origin.

Spanish Coin:

The team discovered a copper coin in the island swamp. When specialists saw this, they said that it could be made in the 17th century. According to a story, Spanish explorers hid a treasure trove rather than providing it to the King. Now the question is was it that treasure? Or it was dropped by a person who was looking for the gold.

Spanish Silver Ring:

This ring was discovered at the swamp. Then it was under a professional Gemologist. After that, it was set up that two repairs would be done- whereas one repair was to create the ring bigger, and the other repair was to make it smaller. However, it has a chiselled floral design that indicates 1730s European origin (Spanish).

Ship Brace:

According to another theory, a swamp may hide a sunken ship. There was a treasure ship sailing with goods offloaded. But after that, the ship got grounded. Later, the ship was destroyed in terms of removing the evidence. Once the team found a ship brace at the swamp, they created this link assuming that it had undergone the massive stress of being burnt in fire. After completing a conversation with a blacksmith, the team got to know about this kind of event that might have happened in the 18th century.

Ship Spikes:

Many ship spikes are discovered across the island, including the Swamp, the Money Pit, and so on.

Encampment of Samuel Ball:

When the team was looking for artifacts on lot 24, they found coins, buttons, and a pistol part. Once, Samuel Ball was the owner of the area. He was born in 1764 into slavery in the Southern side of Carolina. Later, he fought for the British in the American Revolution and got freedom. Then, the war was moved to Nova Scotia. It was 1786 when he bought a 4-acre lot on this Island. One theory doubts whether Samuel Ball found the treasure and kept this a secret or not.


 It looks like an artificial stone tunnel found near Samuel Ball's home. As per the assumptions, this one can be a way to a potential vault of Ball's wealth.


During the metal detection, the team discovered a keyhole which features an ornate floral style that may be part of a chest. There is a rumour that one of three missing treasure chests of Captain James Anderson is buried on the island.

Ancient Pottery:

The team dug a trench of two feet on lot 12 in a place on Fred Nolan's maps. People knew it as an old dump site. They discovered pieces of pottery in this place. It is assumed that the depositors left this behind.

Hidden Hatch:

The island's map is 14th century old which was shown to the two brothers, and it indicates a hatch on the west side. When the team went to that place, they found a square-shaped hatch. It can be a back entrance to the Money Pit.

Silver Button:

It was found at Isaac point. It was assumed that the button belonged to a farmer before the discovery of The Money Pit.

The Bottom Line:

There are more than 50 Oak Island mystery books that have been published. These books contain the island's history and describe different theories. A few fiction works can also be found which are based on the Money Pit, such as The Money Pit Mystery, Riptide, The Hand of Robin Squires, and Betrayed: The Legend of Oak Island. The History Channel started airing a reality TV show, 'The Curse of Oak Island,' in January 2014. This channel lets us know about a group of modern treasure hunters, including brothers Rick and Marty Lagina of the "Michigan Group." In this series, they covered a few discoveries like centuries-old coins, an antique brooch, and a lead cross.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Did they ever find the mystery of Oak Island?

Many items have surfaced over these years and have been discovered on this island. A few of these have been carbon-dated and old for hundreds of years. Although we consider these as treasures, it is important to know that any significant treasure site has not been discovered yet.

Q. Did they find the treasure on Oak Island 2022?

As per the belief, the island hides one of the greatest treasures of all time. But no one can discover this till now.

Q. What is the biggest treasure found on Oak Island?

People consider the cross one of the biggest discoveries in "The Curse of Oak Island."

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